Google Profiles Added to Google Search Results

Many of us (if not all) have tried searching for our names in Google:

Google name search results are varied and often they aren't exactly what we want to see or what we'd want others to read about. Google recognized this and finally offered a decent solution: Google Profiles on Google Search Results. Google Profile allows us to control our online profile and list only the things that we want others to see.

Quoting Google Blog:

To give you greater control over what people find when they search for your name, we've begun to show Google profile results at the bottom of U.S. name-query search pages. These results offer abbreviated information from user-created Google profiles and a link to the full profiles. We've also added links so it's easy to search for the same name on MySpace, Facebook, Classmates and LinkedIn.

Google Profiles on Search Results is currently available only in US but I bet the service will impact worldwide soon. Visit Google Profiles for more info.

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