What is Google Wave ?
I personally think that what's amazing about Google is that, while not all of its efforts and initiatives are successful, the company continues to push the bar forward and challenge every system that we have somehow taken as standard and accepted online. One proof of this, amongst so many others, is their recent announcement of Google Wave.

What is Google Wave?
Quoting CNET:
Google Wave in Photos:

Now, let's here it from the Google Wave Founding Team (video courtesy of TechCrunch), but first, please turn up the volume of your speakers:
Sounds cool. I can't wait to try this service (I guess you can call that 'Riding the Wave'.)
What is Google Wave?
Quoting CNET:
Google Wave [...] organizes Internet discussions in the trendy stream of consciousness fashion. It's a little bit Twitter, a little bit Friendfeed, and a little bit Facebook all in one service, allowing you to send direct messages to online contacts with real-time replies, share photos or documents, and add or delete members of the conversation as needed.
In that sense, it's not a completely public discussion, nor a completely private one. A user creates a "wave" by typing a message or uploading photos and adding contacts to the wave as they see fit. Other contacts can be added later, and those people can add other contacts to the wave unless the original wave starter forbids new entrants.
"Each person that we show it too, something different resonates as useful" to their way of communicating on the Internet, said Stephanie Hannon, project manager for Google Wave.
Google Wave in Photos:
Now, let's here it from the Google Wave Founding Team (video courtesy of TechCrunch), but first, please turn up the volume of your speakers:
Sounds cool. I can't wait to try this service (I guess you can call that 'Riding the Wave'.)
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