Apple Tablet Shown to Media by NVIDIA CEO ?!
It may have been unintentional but yes, it looks like NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang has just shown representatives from media at a round-table discussion at the American University of Dubai an actual unit of the long rumored Apple Tablet slated for 2010 release :

Photo and Story Credit: ShuffleMagazine
What gave media an idea that this is so? Well, Mr. Huang couldn't keep himself from praising Apple products at the meeting:
TP friend, do you think this is really the Apple Tablet? If so, what can you say about the form factor?
Photo and Story Credit: ShuffleMagazine
What gave media an idea that this is so? Well, Mr. Huang couldn't keep himself from praising Apple products at the meeting:
“Apple uses the best technology for their [computers]. Apple says to their customers: if you buy a computer from us you can be sure we have selected the best technology inside for you. That is their promise to consumers. Their promise to consumers isn’t we’ve selected the best technology for you with the exception of what Intel allows us to use. That’s not their promise. And that’s why Apple uses the best technology where they want whenever they want. And that’s why I’m all Apple! At home it’s just Macs everywhere. It’s NVIDIA’s technology in all of them but I use Macs. My son has two Macs, my daughter has a Mac, there’s an extra Mac just in case and my wife has a Mac. It’s just Mac, Mac, Mac! Because I know it’s got the best stuff inside.”
TP friend, do you think this is really the Apple Tablet? If so, what can you say about the form factor?
This is actually MSI's soon to be released tablet.