Firefox 3.6 Beta for Mac OSX, Windows and Linux : Out for Download

Credit: Mozilla

You can now download the beta version of Mozilla Firefox 3.6 via the developer site. This new release introduces some cool Firefox features:

* Users can now change their browser’s appearance with a single click, with built in support for Personas.
* Firefox 3.6 will alert users about out of date plugins to keep them safe.
* Open, native video can now be displayed full screen, and supports poster frames.
* Support for the WOFF font format.
* Improved JavaScript performance, overall browser responsiveness and startup time.
* Support for new CSS, DOM and HTML5 web technologies.

Firefox 3.6 beta is available for Mac OSX, Windows and Linux operating systems. If you're interested in trying it out and helping in its development by reporting bugs and giving valuable feedback, you may download it HERE.

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