Nokia C3 Philippines - Media Launch Event Photos
Last week, TechPinas received an invite to attend the Philippine media launch of the highly popular Nokia C3 full-QWERTY smartphone.

And because (needless to say) TP loves Nokia and we know you need to be updated on everything Nokia, we graced the occasion.
The event was held last Friday (July 30th) at Blue Leaf Pavilion in Fort Bonifacio. The concept was "Masters in Connection", which gave it that 'academe'/'back-to-school' feel.
I arrived just in time for the 'classes'.

My Nokia University Class Card
First class was Introduction to Messaging (IM 101) under Mr. Ariel Diccion, who - if I'm not mistaken - was/is also a language lecturer at the Ateneo; Never had him as prof though.

Mr. Diccion talked about how to easily set-up your email account using Nokia C3 and Nokia Messaging. First step is to click on (@) symbol on the homescreen, accept terms and conditions, establish connection and log-in using your email username and password. So simple.

My classmates.
Second class was Introduction to Communications Dynamics (ICD 101) under renowned theater actor and director Mr. Joel Trinidad:

This one was basically about chatting via various instant messaging services (e.g. Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, etc.) using Nokia C3. Like emailing on the device, chat is also very simple to set-up. You just need to log-in to your chat account, click on the contact you wanna chat with and chat away.
Last class was under TV host Ms. Chal Lontoc (of Go Negosyo!):

It was called Introduction to Social Communications (ISC 101), which is basically about setting up your Facebook and Twitter account on your Nokia C3. You can do that right from homesceen. Just click on the communities tab, click Start, choose connection and log-in to either Facebook or Twitter. So simple.

My classmates.

After the classes, we went to the plenary for a few announcements by Rhomel, Mike and Nikka. This media launch happened the day before the Nokia C3 One Day Promo, so most of the announcements made were about that.

(Left to right) Rhomel Marcojos (Senior Services Marketing Manager, Nokia Philippines), Mike Smith (Product Manager, Nokia Philippines) and Nikka Abes (Corporate Communications Manager, Nokia Philippines)
To wrap up the event, Nikka gave away 3 Nokia C3's to lucky attendees. Too bad, my name wasn't picked. :( I would have loved to take home a unit for my mom. :P
Loved the event though. The concept was out of the box. Thumbs up!
And because (needless to say) TP loves Nokia and we know you need to be updated on everything Nokia, we graced the occasion.
The event was held last Friday (July 30th) at Blue Leaf Pavilion in Fort Bonifacio. The concept was "Masters in Connection", which gave it that 'academe'/'back-to-school' feel.
I arrived just in time for the 'classes'.
My Nokia University Class Card
First class was Introduction to Messaging (IM 101) under Mr. Ariel Diccion, who - if I'm not mistaken - was/is also a language lecturer at the Ateneo; Never had him as prof though.
Mr. Diccion talked about how to easily set-up your email account using Nokia C3 and Nokia Messaging. First step is to click on (@) symbol on the homescreen, accept terms and conditions, establish connection and log-in using your email username and password. So simple.
My classmates.
Second class was Introduction to Communications Dynamics (ICD 101) under renowned theater actor and director Mr. Joel Trinidad:
This one was basically about chatting via various instant messaging services (e.g. Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, etc.) using Nokia C3. Like emailing on the device, chat is also very simple to set-up. You just need to log-in to your chat account, click on the contact you wanna chat with and chat away.
Last class was under TV host Ms. Chal Lontoc (of Go Negosyo!):
It was called Introduction to Social Communications (ISC 101), which is basically about setting up your Facebook and Twitter account on your Nokia C3. You can do that right from homesceen. Just click on the communities tab, click Start, choose connection and log-in to either Facebook or Twitter. So simple.
My classmates.
After the classes, we went to the plenary for a few announcements by Rhomel, Mike and Nikka. This media launch happened the day before the Nokia C3 One Day Promo, so most of the announcements made were about that.
(Left to right) Rhomel Marcojos (Senior Services Marketing Manager, Nokia Philippines), Mike Smith (Product Manager, Nokia Philippines) and Nikka Abes (Corporate Communications Manager, Nokia Philippines)
To wrap up the event, Nikka gave away 3 Nokia C3's to lucky attendees. Too bad, my name wasn't picked. :( I would have loved to take home a unit for my mom. :P
Loved the event though. The concept was out of the box. Thumbs up!
nice concept on media launch... sayang hindi nkuha name mu... hehehehe