Angie Ligot Official Statement - Stop The Hate! The Truth Behind the Scam!
TechPinas Exclusive!
Remember 'Angie Ligot'? That girl who supposedly posted an Anti-Filipino rant on Facebook that instantly became viral on popular social networking sites, causing her to become the latest victim of cyber-bullying in our country?

Well, after weeks of suffering in silence, the real 'Angie Ligot' and her camp have finally surfaced and have decided to release an official statement exclusively via TechPinas.
As it turns out, as TP and most of you have initially suspected, Angie Ligot is not a real person. The whole Angie Ligot Brouhaha is a scam orchestrated by someone who wants to besmirch the reputation of the girl in the photo. According to the victim's camp, "[...] the real owner of those pictures is in great pain. She is afraid to go out for people might notice her. It is more than painful to see her pictures being decried by people she doesn’t even know. People who judge without verifying the authenticity of the issue and without considering the seriousness of the things that they say to the feelings of real person involved."
Here's the full statement:
TP Thoughts:
There are 3 things we can learn from this whole ugly Angie Ligot fiasco:
1. There are really bad people out there who will go out of their way to ruin another's name and reputation -- perhaps, even for the most shallow reasons. Be wary of these monsters.
2. Social media gives us the power to uplift or to destroy one another. Let's use social media to do good.
3. Before reacting to an issue, we must first strive to know the truth behind it.
TP Friends, please share this post on Facebook on Twitter so help save the image of the poor girl in the photo.
Remember 'Angie Ligot'? That girl who supposedly posted an Anti-Filipino rant on Facebook that instantly became viral on popular social networking sites, causing her to become the latest victim of cyber-bullying in our country?

Well, after weeks of suffering in silence, the real 'Angie Ligot' and her camp have finally surfaced and have decided to release an official statement exclusively via TechPinas.
As it turns out, as TP and most of you have initially suspected, Angie Ligot is not a real person. The whole Angie Ligot Brouhaha is a scam orchestrated by someone who wants to besmirch the reputation of the girl in the photo. According to the victim's camp, "[...] the real owner of those pictures is in great pain. She is afraid to go out for people might notice her. It is more than painful to see her pictures being decried by people she doesn’t even know. People who judge without verifying the authenticity of the issue and without considering the seriousness of the things that they say to the feelings of real person involved."
Here's the full statement:
It is very overwhelming to realize how powerful the cyberworld can be, especially when it is employed to ruin someone’s reputation, dignity, or life.
If you are an avid internet user, you have probably gone through blog sites and social networking sites featuring “Angie Ligot”, the Filipino hater. For your convenience, here is her alleged message:
"I regret being a Filipino. I hate [being in] the Philippines! The people are ugly! Everyone's dark-skinned! Everyone's flat-nosed! Eye-sores! Our representative, [Shamcey] Supsup, her last name is ugly and she doesn't look like a Filipino! She looks gay! I hope I can leave this place, (translation from TechPinas)
The truth is, Angie Ligot is not true. The whole thing is a scam.
Somebody else’s pictures are being used to represent the face of “Angie Ligot”. Her real name is not Angie Ligot and she didn’t say any of those words. I know this because she is a close friend of mine and even my own pictures are used in one of those pages. The “Angie Ligot” scam is orchestrated by someone to ruin her and I am pretty sure it is successful.
Several facebook pages have been created to collect insights not only on her ungraceful note but also on her looks. Her pictures flooded over these pages and a lot of facebook users are posting ultra-negative comments not only on her alleged discriminatory message but also on how she and her friends look. How could these people judge her? Given that they were angry, does anger justify the terrible things they call her and her friends?
I mean, if they really care and stand for the dignity of the Filipino people and they are picking on Angie for what she said against their race, they wouldn’t say such things (call her super bad names), instead, they would demonstrate intelligence and show that the Filipino nation knows better than calling someone a horseface or whatsoever. This whole situation illustrate how you cannot trust the mass for they act according to their emotions and not to their intellect, in short, like animals. Those comments show that most of Angie Ligot’s haters are unschooled if not ill-educated. Is this what you call the Filipino pride?
The worst part is----- this is just a SCAM!! It is an example of cyber-bullying and the real owner of those pictures is in great pain. She is afraid to go out for people might notice her. It is more than painful to see her pictures being decried by people she doesn’t even know. People who judge without verifying the authenticity of the issue and without considering the seriousness of the things that they say to the feelings of real person involved. Their ignorance and narrow-mindedness numbed their sensibilities, failing them to realize that they play part as “accessories” of a crime to ruin somebody’s life.
To the person behind the Angie Ligot Scam, it’s Christmas time and I hope you already got whatever it is that you want, for you will spend the rest of your life in misery. Does this threaten you? I hope not because it is the least description that represents what will happen to you the moment we knew your identity which is soon, very soon.
To those who are wise enough to believe everything I said, please like and share this page and help me undo the damages that the Angie Ligot Scam have done to my friend who is in serious emotional pain right now. Also pray that the same thing won’t happen to you nor the people you know. Lastly, make those Angie Haters learn their lesson (make them be aware of this because most probably, they will not have the motivation not or the mind to go through a page full of words, Please Forgive My LAITERA Streak, Just Once.) Thank You!:)
TP Thoughts:
There are 3 things we can learn from this whole ugly Angie Ligot fiasco:
1. There are really bad people out there who will go out of their way to ruin another's name and reputation -- perhaps, even for the most shallow reasons. Be wary of these monsters.
2. Social media gives us the power to uplift or to destroy one another. Let's use social media to do good.
3. Before reacting to an issue, we must first strive to know the truth behind it.
TP Friends, please share this post on Facebook on Twitter so help save the image of the poor girl in the photo.
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