BlackBerry Developer Conference Asia 2011 Singapore - Live Updates from Suntec!
Mark of TP reporting for duty!

TP Friends, I'm now here in Singapore to witness and cover Research in Motion's BlackBerry Developer Conference Asia 2011 or simply DevConAsia to be held tomorrow until the 8th.

As some of you already know, this conference was supposed to be done in Bangkok,Thailand on the same dates but due to some unexpected and unfortunate turn of events - heavy rains followed by flooding in that region, to be specific - RIM had decided to move the venue to Suntec here in Singapore.

If it's your first time to hear about it, BlackBerry Developer Conference is basically a showcase for the latest innovations with regard to the BlackBerry Development Platform. It is a time when thousands of BlackBerry enthusiasts from the across the globe - including commercial and hobbyist application developers, faculty and students, business leaders, and key leaders from RIM - come together to collaborate with platform experts from the BB community and attend sessions, demonstrations, hands-on labs and keynotes, regardless of skill level.
Personally, I think developer conferences like this guarantee a bright future for RIM -- especially now when smartphone battles have already gone beyond merely specs fights well into the realm of ecosystems and number of supported useful applications. These days, consumers don't just buy a phone on the merit of its camera specs, size, build or display specifications, they now ask, "How many free and useful apps can I actually download on this handset?" I believe BB Developer Conference was created to meet this new need of smartphone users by tapping into the genius of application developers.
TP Friends, the conference will officially start at around 8 o'clock this morning. Of course, trust that I'll do my best to update this post regularly with the latest developments from the event. So kindly stay tuned.

Anyway. Earlier, the Philippine delegation had our Dinner Cocktails with members of the press from other Asian countries where our friends Oliver Pilgerstorfer, Hastings Singh and Gregory Wade from Research in Motion warmly welcomed us.

So far, everything's been great. Right now, I'm just looking forward to my one-on-one interviews with RIM representatives, and the labs and sessions later.
Alright?! Stay tuned for updates, TP Friends!
Day 1 - please refresh page.
10:08 AM - We just finished our interview with Mr. Ray Gillenwater, Country Manager of RIM in the Philippines. Will upload video of him talking about RIM's plans for the Philippine market as well as his message for all Filipino BB Fans a bit later.
10:18 AM - Here inside Suntec Convention Center now, waiting for the Keynote to commence.
10:20 AM - Mr. Gregory Wade, Reional Manager Director for East Asia on stage now, talking about gaming on BlackBerry Playbook - NFL Football, to be exact. He thanks BB platform developers for helping rejuvenate his interest in gaming.
FYI: We have over 1,000 guests and attendees in DevConAsia, the most for any DevCon by RIM in Asia thus far.
"We have a BlackBerry Playbook for all attendees!" - Greg. WOW!
10:26 AM - RIM has committed to hold the next DevCon to Thailand. RIM recently donated 1,000,000 Baht along with over 50 BlackBerry smartphones to flood relief efforts in Thailand.
"Asia represents opportunity. Asia represents growth." - Greg
BlackBerry is the #1 phone brand in Indonesia and it is growing rapidly in the Philippines.
"There's no better place to be in terms of technology than in Asia. No better place to be a developer than in Asia." - Greg
"Asia is more and more [becoming] a focus for RIM."
"A heartfelt thank you to you." - Greg
10:35 : Just finished watching video of how people use their BlackBerry, helping make their lives better; BBM, Browser, etc.
10:38 : Mr. George Staikos, VP, Web Technologies RIM, on stage now.
"1 Billion app downloads, 50 Million BBM users, 150 Million BB Smartphones sold thus far."
BlackBerry 7.1 coming soon with new APIs.
"Developers make more money with BlackBerry. We're going to share how you can make more money [with the platform]. It's our key commitment to developers." - George
BlackBerry PlayBook, what's next?
BlackBerry 10 is the official brand name of the next generation platform! It provides a revitalized, powerful and integrated platform for developers.
"HTML5 is something that BlackBerry has embraced since day 1. [It is the obvious choice for modern application development.]"
10:45 - Playing video of HTML5-based apps on BlackBerry 10
"Web development is the future. HMTL5 is the foundation."
"The opportunities with BlackBerry continue to be huge."
"We are transforming the tablet experience - making PlayBook indispensable for BlackBerry users." - George
10:51 - Alec Saunders, VP Developer Relations and Ecosystems Development, on stage.
BlackBerry Jam [video] - new program for BlackBerry developers; three components - Sessions, Community, Zone. Jam makes it easier to get started with publishing applications and guides you throughout the process. No application process, whatsoever.
BlackBerry Jam Community via lets developers connect and talk to RIM representatives and other developers. There are two main sections: BlackBerry Open Source initiative, BlackBerry Jam Sessions.
11:03 - BlackBerry Developer Challenge winners being announced.
*special mention: pinoyBBdev - created their own developer challenge; their own initiative. Now, working on app for monitoring traffic. *applause* Go Philippines!
BlackBerry Jam Market - helps you build more profits from your applications.
BB App World numbers: 5 Million average daily downloads, over 50,000 apps available, a billion downloads as of June 2011, carrier billing available with 20 carriers worldwide.
App World 3.1 New features: 1. Default carrier billing 2. Request a Gift feature 3. Wi-Fi support 4. Content Industry Rating and Filtering 5. New channel
Opportunities with BlackBerry: Busting myths -- 1. BlackBerry Market is shrinking. (TRUTH: There are 70 million active App world users.) 2. BlackBerry users don't use apps (TRUTH: BB platform has 43% more downloads than Apple's App Store in Indonesia, for example!) 3. BlackBerry developers can't make money (TRUTH: BB App World has more paid app downloads than Android Market!) 4. Blackberry is just for Business (TRUTH: 6 out of 10 users in Thailand use their BB for personal use, 7 out of 10 in Indonesia!)
11:17 AM : Christopher Smith, VP Application Platform and Tools RIM, on stage.
"[RIM's goal] is to open up the platform to developers in a way that the competitors can't do."
11:23 AM - BlackBerry SuperApps best practices demo: 1. WikiTunes, featuring effective BBM integration. 2. Elasitas - employing location services and BBM and Social Networking integration for finding good restaurants near you. 3. PicStory - picture sharing on BBM Social Platform.
FYI: BBM Social Platform has 50 Million Active Users. RIM encourages developers to integrate BBM into their applications by embedding chat, creating communities, and allowing users to invite friends, share content, and customize their user profiles.
11:43 AM - BlackBerry 7.1 SDK extends SuperApp integration with NFC or Near Field Communication
11:47 AM - Demo of apps effectively using NFC; InTouch - redeem discounts from various establishments using NFC.
BlackBerry 10
"BlackBerry 10 is bringing the best of BlackBerry that we've built through the years and the best of QNX, which is the future." - Christoper Smith
12:00 PM - Cascades UI of BB 10 demo. Wow! Touch-optimized, gorgeous lay-out! Shooting video of it now.
12:08 - Adobe Air Apps Demo on BlackBerry PlayBook
FYI: There are now 4,000 BlackBerry apps made using Adobe Air platform.
12:33 - Targeting or porting Android Apps to BB PlayBook demo using Android Runtime. More about this on TP soon.
12:42 - Video showing games on BlackBerry PlayBook
12:48 - Olivier Lejeune, Regional Sales Manager of GameLoft on stage talking about creating games for BlackBerry; Modern Combat 2, Real Football 2011 demo now.
[uploading photos and videos]

TP Friends, I'm now here in Singapore to witness and cover Research in Motion's BlackBerry Developer Conference Asia 2011 or simply DevConAsia to be held tomorrow until the 8th.

As some of you already know, this conference was supposed to be done in Bangkok,Thailand on the same dates but due to some unexpected and unfortunate turn of events - heavy rains followed by flooding in that region, to be specific - RIM had decided to move the venue to Suntec here in Singapore.

If it's your first time to hear about it, BlackBerry Developer Conference is basically a showcase for the latest innovations with regard to the BlackBerry Development Platform. It is a time when thousands of BlackBerry enthusiasts from the across the globe - including commercial and hobbyist application developers, faculty and students, business leaders, and key leaders from RIM - come together to collaborate with platform experts from the BB community and attend sessions, demonstrations, hands-on labs and keynotes, regardless of skill level.
Personally, I think developer conferences like this guarantee a bright future for RIM -- especially now when smartphone battles have already gone beyond merely specs fights well into the realm of ecosystems and number of supported useful applications. These days, consumers don't just buy a phone on the merit of its camera specs, size, build or display specifications, they now ask, "How many free and useful apps can I actually download on this handset?" I believe BB Developer Conference was created to meet this new need of smartphone users by tapping into the genius of application developers.
TP Friends, the conference will officially start at around 8 o'clock this morning. Of course, trust that I'll do my best to update this post regularly with the latest developments from the event. So kindly stay tuned.

Anyway. Earlier, the Philippine delegation had our Dinner Cocktails with members of the press from other Asian countries where our friends Oliver Pilgerstorfer, Hastings Singh and Gregory Wade from Research in Motion warmly welcomed us.

So far, everything's been great. Right now, I'm just looking forward to my one-on-one interviews with RIM representatives, and the labs and sessions later.
Alright?! Stay tuned for updates, TP Friends!
Day 1 - please refresh page.
10:08 AM - We just finished our interview with Mr. Ray Gillenwater, Country Manager of RIM in the Philippines. Will upload video of him talking about RIM's plans for the Philippine market as well as his message for all Filipino BB Fans a bit later.
10:18 AM - Here inside Suntec Convention Center now, waiting for the Keynote to commence.
10:20 AM - Mr. Gregory Wade, Reional Manager Director for East Asia on stage now, talking about gaming on BlackBerry Playbook - NFL Football, to be exact. He thanks BB platform developers for helping rejuvenate his interest in gaming.
FYI: We have over 1,000 guests and attendees in DevConAsia, the most for any DevCon by RIM in Asia thus far.
"We have a BlackBerry Playbook for all attendees!" - Greg. WOW!
10:26 AM - RIM has committed to hold the next DevCon to Thailand. RIM recently donated 1,000,000 Baht along with over 50 BlackBerry smartphones to flood relief efforts in Thailand.
"Asia represents opportunity. Asia represents growth." - Greg
BlackBerry is the #1 phone brand in Indonesia and it is growing rapidly in the Philippines.
"There's no better place to be in terms of technology than in Asia. No better place to be a developer than in Asia." - Greg
"Asia is more and more [becoming] a focus for RIM."
"A heartfelt thank you to you." - Greg
10:35 : Just finished watching video of how people use their BlackBerry, helping make their lives better; BBM, Browser, etc.
10:38 : Mr. George Staikos, VP, Web Technologies RIM, on stage now.
"1 Billion app downloads, 50 Million BBM users, 150 Million BB Smartphones sold thus far."
BlackBerry 7.1 coming soon with new APIs.
"Developers make more money with BlackBerry. We're going to share how you can make more money [with the platform]. It's our key commitment to developers." - George
BlackBerry PlayBook, what's next?
BlackBerry 10 is the official brand name of the next generation platform! It provides a revitalized, powerful and integrated platform for developers.
"HTML5 is something that BlackBerry has embraced since day 1. [It is the obvious choice for modern application development.]"
10:45 - Playing video of HTML5-based apps on BlackBerry 10
"Web development is the future. HMTL5 is the foundation."
"The opportunities with BlackBerry continue to be huge."
"We are transforming the tablet experience - making PlayBook indispensable for BlackBerry users." - George
10:51 - Alec Saunders, VP Developer Relations and Ecosystems Development, on stage.
BlackBerry Jam [video] - new program for BlackBerry developers; three components - Sessions, Community, Zone. Jam makes it easier to get started with publishing applications and guides you throughout the process. No application process, whatsoever.
BlackBerry Jam Community via lets developers connect and talk to RIM representatives and other developers. There are two main sections: BlackBerry Open Source initiative, BlackBerry Jam Sessions.
11:03 - BlackBerry Developer Challenge winners being announced.
*special mention: pinoyBBdev - created their own developer challenge; their own initiative. Now, working on app for monitoring traffic. *applause* Go Philippines!
BlackBerry Jam Market - helps you build more profits from your applications.
BB App World numbers: 5 Million average daily downloads, over 50,000 apps available, a billion downloads as of June 2011, carrier billing available with 20 carriers worldwide.
App World 3.1 New features: 1. Default carrier billing 2. Request a Gift feature 3. Wi-Fi support 4. Content Industry Rating and Filtering 5. New channel
Opportunities with BlackBerry: Busting myths -- 1. BlackBerry Market is shrinking. (TRUTH: There are 70 million active App world users.) 2. BlackBerry users don't use apps (TRUTH: BB platform has 43% more downloads than Apple's App Store in Indonesia, for example!) 3. BlackBerry developers can't make money (TRUTH: BB App World has more paid app downloads than Android Market!) 4. Blackberry is just for Business (TRUTH: 6 out of 10 users in Thailand use their BB for personal use, 7 out of 10 in Indonesia!)
11:17 AM : Christopher Smith, VP Application Platform and Tools RIM, on stage.
"[RIM's goal] is to open up the platform to developers in a way that the competitors can't do."
11:23 AM - BlackBerry SuperApps best practices demo: 1. WikiTunes, featuring effective BBM integration. 2. Elasitas - employing location services and BBM and Social Networking integration for finding good restaurants near you. 3. PicStory - picture sharing on BBM Social Platform.
FYI: BBM Social Platform has 50 Million Active Users. RIM encourages developers to integrate BBM into their applications by embedding chat, creating communities, and allowing users to invite friends, share content, and customize their user profiles.
11:43 AM - BlackBerry 7.1 SDK extends SuperApp integration with NFC or Near Field Communication
11:47 AM - Demo of apps effectively using NFC; InTouch - redeem discounts from various establishments using NFC.
BlackBerry 10
"BlackBerry 10 is bringing the best of BlackBerry that we've built through the years and the best of QNX, which is the future." - Christoper Smith
12:00 PM - Cascades UI of BB 10 demo. Wow! Touch-optimized, gorgeous lay-out! Shooting video of it now.
12:08 - Adobe Air Apps Demo on BlackBerry PlayBook
FYI: There are now 4,000 BlackBerry apps made using Adobe Air platform.
12:33 - Targeting or porting Android Apps to BB PlayBook demo using Android Runtime. More about this on TP soon.
12:42 - Video showing games on BlackBerry PlayBook
12:48 - Olivier Lejeune, Regional Sales Manager of GameLoft on stage talking about creating games for BlackBerry; Modern Combat 2, Real Football 2011 demo now.
[uploading photos and videos]
BlackBerry Developer Conference
BlackBerry Developer Conference 2011
Techpinas Events
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