Follow Santa Claus Across The Globe on Christmas Eve Using your iPad, iPhone, or Android Device!
NORAD - a bi-national military organization responsible for the maritime and aerospace defense of the United States and Canada - has been tracking Santa's flight across the globe to deliver presents on Christmas Eve for the past 50 years. And they're doing it again this year -- only this time, they're letting you join the ride using your iOS and Android devices!

Interestingly, this NORAD tradition started from a Christmas ad misprint. In 1955, Colorado Springs-based Sears Roebuck & Co. misprinted the telephone number in an advertisement for children to call Santa. Instead of reaching Santa, the phone number put kids through to the CONAD Commander-in-Chief’s operations "hotline." The Director of Operations at the time, Colonel Harry Shoup, had his staff check the radar for indications of Santa making his way south from the North Pole. Children who called were given updates on his location, and a tradition was born! Ain't Colonel Shoup the coolest?!
So for techie kids and kids-at-heart (like me), if you want to follow Santa's sleigh ride this Christmas Eve, you may view NORAD's real time updates on Santa's current location via the new NORAD Tracks Santa free app for iOS and Android! Just look for "NORAD Tracks Santa" in App Store and Google Play Store, download and install!

I already have the app on my Globe iPhone 5 and my Samsung Galaxy Note.

It's not quite optimized yet for the screen of Apple's new smartphone. But it's alright; Still gets the job done. Thumbs up, NORAD!

You can also follow Santa and his reindeers via NORAD's official website.
Last year, Santa Claus entered the Philippines via Calumpit, Bulacan at exactly 11:21 PM of the 24th! Let's see what time he'll land in our country this year. Merry Christimas, TP Friends! May God bless us all!
Update: Santa Claus arrived rather early this year! At 11:12 PM, he landed on Quezon City -- his stop in the Philippines! Welcome to Pinas, Santa!

Interestingly, this NORAD tradition started from a Christmas ad misprint. In 1955, Colorado Springs-based Sears Roebuck & Co. misprinted the telephone number in an advertisement for children to call Santa. Instead of reaching Santa, the phone number put kids through to the CONAD Commander-in-Chief’s operations "hotline." The Director of Operations at the time, Colonel Harry Shoup, had his staff check the radar for indications of Santa making his way south from the North Pole. Children who called were given updates on his location, and a tradition was born! Ain't Colonel Shoup the coolest?!
So for techie kids and kids-at-heart (like me), if you want to follow Santa's sleigh ride this Christmas Eve, you may view NORAD's real time updates on Santa's current location via the new NORAD Tracks Santa free app for iOS and Android! Just look for "NORAD Tracks Santa" in App Store and Google Play Store, download and install!

I already have the app on my Globe iPhone 5 and my Samsung Galaxy Note.

It's not quite optimized yet for the screen of Apple's new smartphone. But it's alright; Still gets the job done. Thumbs up, NORAD!

You can also follow Santa and his reindeers via NORAD's official website.
Last year, Santa Claus entered the Philippines via Calumpit, Bulacan at exactly 11:21 PM of the 24th! Let's see what time he'll land in our country this year. Merry Christimas, TP Friends! May God bless us all!
Update: Santa Claus arrived rather early this year! At 11:12 PM, he landed on Quezon City -- his stop in the Philippines! Welcome to Pinas, Santa!

Merry Christmas