Make Your Loved One Feel More Special with WeChat This Valentine's Day
Perhaps the coolest thing about celebrating Valentine's Day in this day and age is that there's now a greater variety of ways that you can make your loved one feel even more loved on this special date.
Sure, you can still do all the classic VDay "moves" and rituals like sending flowers and chocolates or taking your date out to a fine dinner with candlelight. But these days, you can also make use of technology to express your desires and feelings or simply to tell your special someone that you'll always be there for him or her no matter what. And one way to do that is via WeChat, 2013's most searched mobile messaging application that you can now download for free on your iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Symbian, and Windows Phone devices.
I've been using WeChat for quite some time now and I thought these three cool features of the app would be great to use on Valentine's Day -- especially if you're quite far from the one you love or if you simply want to add a surprising and edgy touch of tech to your dinner date.
Send Voice Messages First Thing In the Morning! WeChat has a voice messaging feature which allows you to record and send romantic voice notes to someone. If you and your boyfriend or girlfriend are both on WeChat, why not send him or her your tender messages in the morning so he or she can start VDay listening to your pledges of love?
You can also use this feature to spice up your dinner date by sending voice notes before driving to the restaurant then asking your date to check his or her WeChat account after eating for your special VDay message. That should be fun!
Long Distance Relationship? No problem! Make a Video Call Anywhere You Are! If high seas separate you and your romantic partner and you can't be together on Valentine's Day, don't fret! WeChat has a video call feature allowing the two of you to still see each other face to face and to tell one another everything that's in your heart on the special day. You can also use the camera to go on a virtual date by showing your lover what you're seeing from where you are.
It's Raining Roses! Use WeChat to send text messages to your loved one on VDay and every time you type and send the words "I love you" WeChat will automatically make it rain roses on your chat window! Now, isn't that the sweetest? Of course, nothing beats giving and receiving real roses but virtual roses aren't so bad, right?
WeChat is Giving Away Special Prizes This Valentine's Day Update your roll of to-dos for Valentine’s as WeChat brews up a Facebook activity especially for the season. Simply snap a photo with your loved one coupled with a note which explains why he/she is the Valentine of your eye and post it to WeChat’s Facebook page. The team will choose the best entry and will grant the winner a special gift—fitting to let the warmth of love melt into the occasion.
Send the love this Valentine's Day with WeChat! The app isn't just fun and easy to use but it also helps you to build and maintain lasting relationships with people who matter in your life. So if you and your lover don't have WeChat yet on your smartphones and tablets, download it now for free via Google Play Store, Apple App Store, BlackBerry World, or Nokia App Store and start enjoying all of its cool features!
Sure, you can still do all the classic VDay "moves" and rituals like sending flowers and chocolates or taking your date out to a fine dinner with candlelight. But these days, you can also make use of technology to express your desires and feelings or simply to tell your special someone that you'll always be there for him or her no matter what. And one way to do that is via WeChat, 2013's most searched mobile messaging application that you can now download for free on your iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Symbian, and Windows Phone devices.
I've been using WeChat for quite some time now and I thought these three cool features of the app would be great to use on Valentine's Day -- especially if you're quite far from the one you love or if you simply want to add a surprising and edgy touch of tech to your dinner date.
Send Voice Messages First Thing In the Morning! WeChat has a voice messaging feature which allows you to record and send romantic voice notes to someone. If you and your boyfriend or girlfriend are both on WeChat, why not send him or her your tender messages in the morning so he or she can start VDay listening to your pledges of love?

You can also use this feature to spice up your dinner date by sending voice notes before driving to the restaurant then asking your date to check his or her WeChat account after eating for your special VDay message. That should be fun!
Long Distance Relationship? No problem! Make a Video Call Anywhere You Are! If high seas separate you and your romantic partner and you can't be together on Valentine's Day, don't fret! WeChat has a video call feature allowing the two of you to still see each other face to face and to tell one another everything that's in your heart on the special day. You can also use the camera to go on a virtual date by showing your lover what you're seeing from where you are.

It's Raining Roses! Use WeChat to send text messages to your loved one on VDay and every time you type and send the words "I love you" WeChat will automatically make it rain roses on your chat window! Now, isn't that the sweetest? Of course, nothing beats giving and receiving real roses but virtual roses aren't so bad, right?

WeChat is Giving Away Special Prizes This Valentine's Day Update your roll of to-dos for Valentine’s as WeChat brews up a Facebook activity especially for the season. Simply snap a photo with your loved one coupled with a note which explains why he/she is the Valentine of your eye and post it to WeChat’s Facebook page. The team will choose the best entry and will grant the winner a special gift—fitting to let the warmth of love melt into the occasion.

Send the love this Valentine's Day with WeChat! The app isn't just fun and easy to use but it also helps you to build and maintain lasting relationships with people who matter in your life. So if you and your lover don't have WeChat yet on your smartphones and tablets, download it now for free via Google Play Store, Apple App Store, BlackBerry World, or Nokia App Store and start enjoying all of its cool features!