How To Cancel or Delete Facebook Promotion or Campaign Before It Starts?

Earlier, I was setting up a new promotion on my Facebook Page when I accidentally hit the "Promote" button before I was done filling up the boxes for my exact budget as well as the campaign duration.

I panicked because I wasn't keen on paying the default amount that Facebook had suggested. Also, there were no small boxes that I could tick or any button that I could quickly click inside the "Promotions" section of my Page to cancel the campaign.

Thankfully, with quick thinking and a bit of scrolling, I was able to delete my unintended promotion while Facebook was still reviewing it or before it went live. Whew!

Here's how I did it:

1. I scrolled down the Promotions tab and clicked on the rather inconspicuous "Go to Ads Manager" link.

2. I let my browser finish loading Facebook Ads Manager in another tab.

3. I scrolled down the Campaigns tab and looked for the unintended promotion.

4. I deactivated it by clicking on the blue toggle located on the left.

5. Then, I ticked on the small box beside the toggle and clicked on the "trash bin" icon to delete it.

NOTE: After doing the steps above, you might want to go back to the Promotions section of your Facebook Page to check you were successful in deleting the unintended campaign.

I know. It's actually quite easy. 

But I wish Facebook would just integrate 'Cancel' option within the Promotions Tab of the Facebook Page itself and not in Facebook Ads Manager. That will surely make the process a bit less complicated and more straight-forward for the user.

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