How To Hide Facebook Likes Count, A Step by Step Guide Using FB App
Are you finally ready to take yourself out of the social media rat race that involves the number of Facebook Likes that you and your friends get but you're not yet keen on altogether disabling your FB account?
Do you want to free yourself from the pressure of always having to get so many likes on your Facebook posts to appear relevant or famous?
Well, TechPinas is here to help you have a healthier and more enjoyable social media life.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can hide the Likes Count on all of your posts on your Facebook Timeline using the official FB mobile application.
1. Go to your Facebook Settings page by tapping Cog icon under the Menu section as shown in the image below. The Menu section is the rightmost tab on the homescreen of the Facebook App for Android.

2. Under Settings, tap on "Profile Settings".

3. Tap on the Search Bar near the top of the screen and type in "posts".

4. In the results, tap on "Reaction preferences".

5. Under Reaction preferences, turn on "Hide number of reactions on your posts" as shown in the image below.

There you have it! I hope you found this useful. This TechPinas tutorial is just the first of many that will be dedicated to addressing or at least, alleviating the toxicity that many Filipinos currently experience on social media. Stay tuned for more.
How To Hide Facebook Likes Count
Social Media
Social Media Wellness
Tech Basics
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