Five Stay-at-Home Craft Project Ideas You Can Do In Your Free Time
Even though we’re always kept busy by work or school online, one might
worry that you could get bored and unproductive during the weekends or your
free time. You might even feel that you want to stay as busy as possible
even if you're just at home.
There’s nothing wrong with that because it’s always a good idea to keep
yourself engaged -- you never know when your productivity might come in handy.
You might even discover something that you could turn into a new hobby or

One way to stay engaged is to get into craft projects during your free
time, which is great for keeping your mind and hands active -- you can do it
for yourself, or you can do it to start on a new path for a business or get
new skills for a job.
Here are five ideas for crafts to do:
1. DIY Projects
Are you a fan of little inventions and innovations? You might like to try
doing DIY projects at home, which is a wide category of small carpentry,
repairing, and even engineering projects that aren’t too difficult. There’s a
DIY project for every interest and need, and basic skills that you pick up
here may go a long way in other places.
2. Programming
While this isn’t a traditional craft project in the sense of the term, a
little programming and coding know-how may be beneficial for future career
projects. You can start with developing websites, maybe even a small app,
and if you get into it long enough, you could even craft some useful
hardware and software.
3. Leatherworking
Want a skill that you could turn into a business? Leather goods are always in
style, so it’s not a bad idea to try your hand at leatherworking. You’ll need
quite a few tools and materials to get started, but it’s not too difficult to
find—once you get going, you’ll likely create some beautiful things that many
people may want.
4. Scentmaking
One craft that isn’t very difficult to do is the art of making scents, whether
it’s for perfume or for household use. All you need are the oils that make up
the scents and bottles to mix them in, and you have your own homemade
fragrances. What’s even better is this can also be a home business, as who
doesn’t like to smell good?
5. Sewing
Have you wanted to try and make your own clothing projects? Or maybe you’re
an aspiring cosplayer and you want to make your own costumes? The art of
sewing is enjoying some more popularity again thanks to the various uses of
clothes, and you can get into it too with the affordable resources that it
needs. All you’ll need are threads, the right fabric, and a reliable sewing
machine to get started.
And if you don’t have the skills to start sewing yet, that won’t be a problem.
Brother is holding free online sewing classes for all skill levels via Zoom --
all you’ll need is a Brother sewing machine. It’s first-come, first-served;
All you have to do to get into the classes for free is to sign up at With Brother, you can now
get started on your sewing journey.
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