TechPinas Celebrates 15th Anniversary With Gratitude and Hope
Dearest TechPinas Friends, Readers, Subscribers, Partners, and Supporters,
Peace and all good!
Fifteen years ago, I embarked on a journey that was fueled by a burning
passion for technology and a desire to share that passion with the world
through blogging and content creation.
Today, as I reflect on the incredible odyssey that has
been, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. This 15th anniversary is not just a
milestone; it's a testament to the unwavering support and collaboration of
so many individuals who have been integral to our success.
First and foremost, I extend my deepest gratitude to God, The Almighty.
Without His grace and guidance, the story would never have
unfolded and reached its heights. In moments of uncertainty and challenge,
faith has been the anchor that has steadied our ship. This anniversary is as
much a celebration of divine providence as it is a celebration of
To my family, my inspiration and the pillar of my strength behind the
scenes, thank you. Your understanding, patience, and constant support have
been the bedrock upon which stands. Late nights, weekends,
many trips across the country and abroad for tech event coverage, and the
demands of running a growing platform were made bearable because of the love
and sacrifices of my family. My younger brother, Val Marvin Macanas of, has also graciously covered tech events on my behalf whenever I couldn't be there myself. My mom and had who have allowed me to follow my passions and have completely supported me in every step of the way; This anniversary belongs to them as much as it
belongs to me.

TechPinas wouldn't have lasted this long without the support of my readers and subscribers. I want to give a special shoutout and commendation to Nico Aguila - TechPinas' first ever Writer Fellow, Gracey Maala - whose college thesis is about and the story of the website's founder, and JV Garcia - who has been a TechPinas reader and subscriber since Day 1. Their support inspires me, as TechPinas' EIC, to continue in this craft and to keep forging on. If you're also a long-time TechPinas Reader and Subscriber, kindly share your photo holding your smartphone with with me via email at Thank you so much!
My friends, the ones who have been there through the highs and lows, I am
profoundly thankful for your unwavering support. Your encouragement, shared
laughter, and occasional heated tech debates have added layers of richness
to the narrative. Your belief in the vision and the shared
camaraderie have been invaluable.
No journey of this magnitude is traveled alone, and I am grateful for the
partnerships forged along the way. To our partner brands through the years,
thank you for entrusting us with the task of showcasing your innovations.
Your faith in has not only contributed to our growth but has
also allowed us to bring cutting-edge content to our audience. The
collaborative spirit between us and our partners has been a cornerstone of
our success.
In the realm of media, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our media partners
who have stood beside us in this ever-changing landscape. Your collaborative
efforts have amplified our reach and impact. Together, we have navigated the
twists and turns of the tech industry, and I look forward to continuing this
journey with the same spirit of camaraderie. Thank you to all traditional
media outlets and news channels who have given me their full trust so as to
get me as their tech expert in various news programs. I am humbled, honored,
and grateful.
A special mention is owed to Google, particularly Adsense and Blogger, for
being integral parts of the journey. The advertising support
and the user-friendly Blogger platform have played crucial roles in our
growth. Google has been more than a technological ally; it's been a partner
in every sense, and for that, we are grateful.
Advertisers, your support has been pivotal. Your trust in as a
platform to connect with your audience is something we hold in high regard.
Your belief in our ability to deliver meaningful content to our readers has
been both motivating and humbling. TechPinas wouldn't have lasted this long
without your generous support.
PR Agencies, your collaboration and the information you've shared have been instrumental in bringing the latest and most relevant content to our readers. Your dedication to facilitating communication between brands and us has been pivotal in our mission to stay at the forefront of technology. Thank you for all the event invites and partnership collaborations through the years that allowed me to come up with meaningful content for our audience. I am honored and humbled by your trust and support.
Now, to our readers, subscribers, and viewers – the heartbeat of Your curiosity, feedback, and engagement have been the
driving force behind our commitment to excellence. Whether you've been with
us from the beginning or recently joined our community, your presence is
what has made this journey worthwhile. You're one of the biggest reasons why TechPinas remains strong after all these years. Thank you for being a part of our

It feels like only yesterday when I started It's been a really meaningful and enjoyable journey so far and I believe that we've only just begun. As I look back, my heart is filled with gratitude and hope. Tech-blogging and content creation have given me so much - both material and intangible, has taken me around the world, has allowed me to meet many people who have inspired me, and has allowed me to make a difference in the lives of others. I am humbled and I am grateful for having a profession that's indistinguishable from my passion. As I look forward to the future, I am hopeful that - with all of you, the TechPinas community - the best is yet to come!
As we celebrate this milestone, it's also a moment to look forward. The
landscape of technology is ever-changing, and we are committed to staying at
the forefront of these changes. The future holds exciting possibilities, and
we are eager to explore them with you. Our commitment to delivering content
that keeps pace with the dynamic tech industry remains unwavering.
In the coming years, we aspire to take to new heights. Our
goal is to provide even better content, more insightful reviews, more video content, and a
deeper understanding of the technology that shapes our world. The commitment
to innovation and staying ahead of the curve will be the driving force
behind our endeavors as a community.
As we raise a toast to the past, present, and future, let it be known that
this journey is not just about technology; it's about the people who make it
all possible. To God, my family, friends, partner brands, media partners,
advertisers, and our incredible community of readers – thank you. Your
support has been the cornerstone of, and as we step into the
future, we do so with a renewed sense of purpose, passion, and the
unyielding belief that the best is yet to come.
Here's to the next 15 years of tech passion and innovation! Cheers! Thank
you very much!
Sincerely yours,

Mark Milan Macanas
Founder, Owner, and Editor-in-Chief of
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