Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts

Does Google Search Penalize AI-Generated Content? What's the Real Score?

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) use in content creation, many online publishers are curious about how Google Search handles ...
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How Can Website Owners Thrive Amidst Google Seach AI Algorithm Updates

Over the past two years, Google has introduced significant updates to its search algorithm, profoundly affecting the way businesses ...
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Google Celebrates Its 25th Anniversary with A Special Doodle

Today, September 27, 2023, Google celebrates its 25th anniversary with a special doodle. As the tech giant looks ahead to the futur...
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Google Bard AI Chatbot is Now Available in the Philippines, Here's The First Task I Gave It

Google Bard , a large language model (LLM) chatbot developed by Google AI, is now available in the Philippines. Bard is trained on a ...
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Where To Buy New Google Pixel Smartphone Models in the Philippines?

Many Filipino tech enthusiasts have always been keen on acquiring Google Pixel phones, even though Google does not directly sell the...
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Google AdSense Payment via Western Union in Asia Pacific Will Only Be Available Until August 31, 2022

On Thursday afternoon, July 19, 2022, I received an official email from Google Adsense Team telling me that Google AdSense, AdMob, a...
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Google Pixel 6 vs 6 Pro Specs, Price, Availability, and Key Features

On October 28, 2021, Google officially made its two new flagship-level Android smartphones, the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro, available to...
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Google Search Dark Theme, Now Available! Here's How to Turn On Dark Mode in Google Search Results Page

Today - September 25, 2021, Google Inc. officially launched a much-awaited and long-overdue feature for the  Google Search  results page. ...
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How To Group Tabs in Google Chrome for Desktop and Organize Your Internet Browsing Experience

Are you getting sick and tired of all seeing all those open tabs on your Google Chrome browser whenever you go online on your la...
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My Google Adsense Tax Information Details in the Philippines as Blogger and Youtube Partner Video Content Creator

Earlier this month - March 2021, Google Adsense started to ask its partner publishers worldwide to submit or manage their new US Tax ...
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Android 12 Features Are Starting To Surface Online

Several key features of the latest iteration to Google's mobile operating system are starting to be leaked by "insiders"...
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Countries with Most Number of Coronavirus Cases, Listed in Google COVID-19 Map

As of today - March 28, 2020 - 3:15 PM, the United States of America has become the new epicenter of COVID-19 infection surpassing both Ital...
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What Will Happen to Huawei Smartphones Now That US Has Added The Chinese Company to Entity List?

Last Wednesday - May 15, 2019, the US Department of Commence announced on its official website that the Trump administration has included Hu...
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